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'A Life from the Inner Center'

A series 5 seminars during which you can discover, explore and develop life's qualities of being.


1. A Healthy Inner Climate

2. The Inner Child and Learning to Love Feeling

3. Courage for the Joy of Life

4. Compassion, Love and Gratitude

5. Protection and Inner Peace

Dates and Prices

on request

Course Location

on request - or at a place of your suggestion

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1. A Healthy Inner Climate

A weekend during which we learn to develop a meditative, gracious, tolerant and approving presence with ourselves.
Recognising and liberating ourselves from the judgemental and castigating voice within us is the first step in finding a feel for ourselves again and in trusting in our existence.
Centering in the hara, found approx. two and a half centimetres below the navel and which is considered to be the gateway to cosmic energy, giving us a secure and stable state of consciousness, freshness and energy. Once anchored, we can learn how it feels to live in an attentive and relaxed state and to act from a state of trust.

The quality of the white essence allows us to return gently to primal trust, giving us stability, tenaciousness and grounding for a healthy, trusting inner climate for life.

Meditations, body and breathing exercises accompany us back home to trusting in existence.

2. The Inner Child and Learning to Love Feeling

It is common for us not to have learned to trust our feelings and to think that emotions are feelings.

During the training sessions we learn how to distinguish clearly between emotions and feelings. To do this we need to re-learn how to sense ourselves and to release ourselves from the young child emotional body of the mother so that we can again stand on our own two feet in terms of emotion and energy.

That gives us the freedom and space to re-experience life's basic qualities of melting, nurturing mother love and gentle love. These qualities are the basis of the natural self and are independent of others. From this state of consciousness we can integrate these qualities into full adult existence.
Meditation, breathing, energy and body work accompany us along the way in the milky, golden and pink essence and the inner development process.


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3. Courage for the Joy of Life

A weekend, to re-discover your own vitality, the joy of the heart!
In focussing on re-charging our own life's energy, we are simultaneously confronted with obstructive, controlling beliefs and fears with which we have identified since early childhood. But these are no longer appropriate or constructive and it is time to learn how we can free and separate ourselves from them and live in our own energy of the joy and lightness of the heart. When we are true to ourselves and stand by our own integrity, this is a truly life-enhancing feeling. We can celebrate the gift of life through the qualities of courage and joy.
Meditations, games and dance, body and energy work guide us on the joyful path of the red and yellow essences!


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4. Compassion, Love and Gratitude

During this weekend we learn to open ourselves to the subtle heart quality of compassion which resides in our being.

Beginning with ourselves, we allow a gentle love to vibrate in ourselves, a love defined by clarity, devotion and distance from a situation. If we are with ourselves in this presence, we reflect this to  others with whom we come into contact. We learn to differentiate clearly between being self-judgmental, controlling and co-suffering and what it means to live in acknowledgement, acceptance and compassion. Such love and attention can leave everything just as it is, love and observe everything, even that which we find difficult and unpleasant in ourselves can stay where it is. In the flow of objective compassion, we can nurture healthy, supportive growth in ourselves and with others. Gratitude is the gift of a sanguine presence of attentiveness in the here and now.

Meditation, body work, energy work and process exploration guide us on the path of the green essence.

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5. Protection and Inner Peace

During the seminar we free ourselves from the layers which stop us from experiencing these qualities of life. Centering and other techniques are used to sort us, to differentiate naturally and to feel returned home to our inner centers.

Freeing ourselves from unnecessary and obsolete protective mechanisms such as perpetual self-criticism, which camouflage honest naturalness, is part of understanding and gentle acceptance so that we can experience ourselves in a loving, peaceful climate. To be at peace with ourselves, is the best and most effective gift we can give ourselves, our immediate environment and the whole planet - our beautiful earth.

Meditations, body, energy and consciousness exercises open us to these deep, relaxing sense of being qualities with strengthen or primal trust and re-charge us in the black essence!

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