'These are the three centers: Head, heart and hara - Four centimetres below the navel. The head represents the outer limit ? when you are furthest from your being, you are in your head. When you are closer to your being, you are in your heart. When you are at the center of your being, you are in your hara. Fear can only dissipate through the hara. Living life authentically, honestly and without fear can only happen through the hara. And this life needs to be lived...' - Osho - |
From Head to Heart in Being Centering for Your Career an Everday Life
Dates and prices
Every Wednesday, 19.00 to 21.00,
25 Euro per evening / reduced 20 Euro:
- Block 1:
11.04. to 25.07.2018, 14 evenings
- Block 2:
19.09. to 19.12.2018, 12 evenings
- Block 3:
19.01. to 10.04.2019, 13 evenings
Course location
Kamadevi M. S. Scheuffele
Frauenstraße 50
89073 Ulm