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Certified DGMA Health Practitioner and Artist

Ma Prem Kamadevi has spent many years living, learning and teaching in several countries and experienced different cultures and different meditation centres of this earth (Esalen Institute, California; Osho Miasto, Italy; Osho International Meditation Resort, Pune, India; Osho Ko Hsuan School, UK; Osho Uta Cologne;...).

Her international experience has resulted in a repertoire rich in the understanding of the complexity and diversity of the human spirit. She offers personal guidance based on her study of and training in many different forms of meditation, body and energy work, meditation therapies and consciousness work, shamanic and other art forms.

Dance, music, art and theatre have been her passion since childhood and she underwent many years of training in these arts. She returned to live in Germany in 1999 and is based in Ulm where she has a studio...