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Art from the Inner Center

This form of art emerges from finding an inner resonance with being, that is: Divine Alignment.

We use exercises and meditations to tune in to the inner center, the heart, the hara, our inner roots, anchoring ourselves in the source from which all creativity flows.

The flow of creativity is often slowed and constrained in childhood, as the result of many different influences and conditionings. We learn how creativity can be released so it can flow naturally. We learn to trust, enjoy and celebrate the joy of creativity.
It is channelled art and creativity, which emerges from the wellspring of the state of truly being, from each person's individual Divine Alignment - an experience of creativity and artistic expression of the qualities and the colourful essences of being.


We use water colours, gouache, acrylics, inks or mixture of techniques - whatever you would like - in the painting sessions.


Programme Overview


The basis    further...


Seminars and trainings   further...


One-to-one sessions   further...


Art by Ma Prem Kamadevi

Paintings in the gallery   further...


Paintings for sale in the online shop   further...


Book a performance   further...

