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Training in Centering, Spiritual Body and Energy Work


Training in centering, spiritual body and energy work, allowing you to be yourself in your body (the temple of the soul) and to be a channel for cosmic and spiritual energy.
We develop a psychic resonance body to become an instrument of creation, a 'hollow bamboo', like a bamboo flute... and so able to guide other souls in their bodies, to tune into their full potential, to grow and from that to celebrate life.
The head, heart and abdomen return to alignment and resonance. We learn to anchor ourselves in being. We become aware, aware of how we have repeatedly left our true selves through conditioning and also learn how we can always return home to ourselves.
We learn how to settle our clients and ourselves back onto the inner axis and integrate our inner integrity.
Silent and active mediations, breathing and body exercises guide us so that we again feel at home in ourselves and revitalise.


Structure of the Training
The training in centering, spiritual body and energy work consists of several training units which build one upon another. Each training unit is self-contained and can be ended with certification. A new level of training begins with a section of transformative, integrative development of consciousness, which is also open to other participants. Students learn how to apply this technique during the body and energy work.

Contents of a Training Unit:
The tools learned in the Practice of DIVINE ALIGNMENT® are developed and advanced in each of the training units:

  • Active and silent DIVINE ALIGNMENT®, Osho, Sufi and Zen meditations
  • Remembering and integrating consciousness
  • Centering, spiritual body and energy work
  • Inner centering with essences
  • Intuition work, understanding the subtle planes...

The basics in applying the centering, spiritual and energy work of DIVINE ALIGNMENT® are taught in the Basis Practitioner Training course.   further...