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'A Life from the Inner Center'

A series 5 seminars during which you can discover, explore and develop life’s qualities of being.

4. Compassion, love and gratitude

During this weekend we learn to open ourselves to the subtle heart quality of compassion which resides in our being.


Beginning with ourselves, we allow a gentle love to vibrate in ourselves, a love defined by clarity, devotion and distance from a situation. If we are with ourselves in this presence, we reflect this to  others with whom we come into contact. We learn to differentiate clearly between being self-judgmental, controlling and co-suffering and what it means to live in acknowledgement, acceptance and compassion. Such love and attention can leave everything just as it is, love and observe everything, even that which we find difficult and unpleasant in ourselves can stay where it is. In the flow of objective compassion, we can nurture healthy, supportive growth in ourselves and with others. Gratitude is the gift of a sanguine presence of attentiveness in the here and now.

Meditation, body work, energy work and process exploration guide us on the path of the green essence.

The Seminars of the Seminar Series:

  1. A healthy inner climate   more...
  2. The inner child and learning to love feeling   more...
  3. Courage for the joy of life   more... 
  4. Compassion, love and gratitude
  5. Protection and inner peace   more...

Dates and Prices

on request

Course Location

on request or at a place of your suggestion


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